A POLICE officer has burst into song in his force's latest weapon in the fight against crime.

Inspector Eric Robinson, of Cleveland Police, has recorded seasonal warnings to potential crime victims, to the tunes of two carols.

Soon, shopping centres across Teesside will be playing Christmas Thieves Are Coming to Town - to the tune of Santa Claus is Coming to Town - and Have Yourselves a Crime Free Happy Christmas to Bing Crosby's Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

Insp Robinson, who is available for weddings, funerals and special occasions, rewrote the lyrics of each carol in ten minutes and recorded them on a CD this week.

He said the idea came after a meeting with Detective Superintendent Brian Dunn.

Insp Robinson said: "We were discussing how and what we could do differently this year to get the public's imagination.

"Hopefully, we are going to get as much radio time as possible and some television appearances. The whole object of the exercise is to raise the awareness of the public to the perils of leaving property in cars, and of leaving houses unlocked and unlit."

The singing policeman has weaved into the lyrics tips on how easy precautions can be taken to prevent heartache in the run up to Christmas.

He had backing tracks made and went into a studio in Redcar on Wednesday to burn the CD.

"Although we say it ourselves, it sounds very good," Insp Robinson said.

"We are having a limited number made to give out to shopping centres and radio stations. If anyone else wants them we can easily have more produced.

"It is simply a different way of getting the crime prevention message home at Christmas and something perhaps that people will take more notice of."

Det Supt Dunn, who has been working closely with the council in Stockton, said: "This project has hit the right note with many people. I know only too well the pain on the faces of parents who have been burgled on Christmas Eve and know it is too late to buy more presents for their children."