VILLAGERS in Romanby have breathed a sigh of relief after a decision by councillors on a controversial homes scheme.

An application to build 99 new homes on an old county council depot site has been deferred. Residents now feel there is hope their concerns about design and road safety will be addressed.

But Parish Coun Harold Bartram, who last week led a protest at the site in Ainderby Road, was also cautious. "The villagers have won another battle," he said. "But we have not won the war."

Coun Bartram said members of Hambleton development control committee were right to defer a decision on the scheme, which has attracted concerns about a risk of aggravating flooding problems, a dangerous single access and some of the buildings being too high.

But he disputed figures which put vehicle movements in and out of the old depot at 320 per day. "It was a lot less than that and there were two access points then," he said. "Now we are talking about 600 or so with just one access.

"Thank God some commonsense was used by the councillors, which is more than can be said for our planners. I am delighted this has been deferred. I think the committee was on the side of the villagers."

Coun Bartram said there might now be a public meeting to discuss what has happened. "I feel our fears are going to addressed," he said. "I am hopeful for the outcome."

The scheme will now go back to developers Barratt York