THERE were echoes of Hartlepool's proud seafaring heritage when the wraps came off a new sculpture at the town's marina.

A small-scale replica of the bow of a trawler was unveiled beside the Marina's Lock Office at Navigation Point.

The replica, which measures 3ft by 3ft, was created by four local people aged over 50 as part of a town-wide arts project to help older people explore arts activities.

Tasked with creating a sculpture which reflected Hartlepool, the group decided on a trawler, and worked with blacksmith and sculptor David Stephenson to create the piece.

An old forge at Sir William Gray House was brought back into use to create the sculpture, and the whole project took two months to complete.

For more information on how to become involved in similar projects in the future, contact the Anchor Trust Community Development Team on (01429) 224466.