A TOWN'S nightclubs are to be given longer opening hours in a bid to make the local streets safer.

The three-month experiment in Harrogate is an effort to minimise public disorder on the streets.

Three clubs, Cardinal Sins, Jimmy's and Po Na Na, will extend their opening hours from 2am to 3am on Fridays and Saturdays and a fourth club, Carringtons, will be following suit shortly.

During the trial, the situation will be monitored to see if spreading the dispersal of customers has a beneficial effect.

The trial was requested by the clubs themselves to see whether it would make a difference if taxis and late-night food outlets could deal with a steady flow of customers rather than a sudden rush.

However, although the clubs will be able to stay open an hour longer, they will not be able to sell alcohol to their customers after 2am.

The longer licences will only allow for music and dancing.

"Sale of alcohol after 2am is not allowed by law and all alcoholic drinks must be consumed by 2.30am, the legally permitted drinking-up time," said council leader Councillor Geoff Webber.

Police licensing officer PC Steve Mosley said: "We are keen to see how these new arrangements work.

"The council, police and the club owners will record incidents of disorder, movement of people and related complaints in order that a comprehensive and accurate review can be carried out once the trial period is finished."

The trial will start today.