AN operation to tackle drink-fuelled youth disorder has been hailed a success by police.

Operation Tipple was set up in the Sunderland West area in response to a large volume of complaints. It aimed to stop the illegal sales of alcohol to underage drinkers. Officers used young volunteers to pose as buyers at 25 off-licences. Three shops were found to be selling to underage youths. Proceedings to revoke their licences were withdrawn when all three voluntarily surrendered them. Inspector Peter Dent said: "We are determined to cut out the illegal supply of alcohol to people under the age of 18 and to reduce the damage, distress and disorder caused by these youngsters after they have had a drink. Since we conducted Operation Tipple, disorder complaints have fallen and there has been a significant improvement in the quality of residents' lives." Any licensee who has concerns about the law over alcohol sales, or anyone who wants to report illegal alcohol sales, can call Sunderland West crime and disorder unit on 0191-454 7555.

THRILLS IN STORE: A team of youngsters will bring a modern form of circus to local audiences next week. Circus of the Streets is a two-hour show comprising BMX riders, inline skaters, bungee jumpers, and roller-skaters. A spokeswoman said: "The producers are young and highly experienced in modern travelling entertainment, and many of the performers are self-taught stars, while some are graduates of circus schools throughout Europe." Circus of the Streets will be at The Sands, in Durham, from next Tuesday to Sunday, and at Newcastle's Telewest Arena from November 19 to 24.

BREAKFAST GIG: Newcastle band Psychedelic Breakfast perform at The Garden Farm, Chester-le-Street, on Friday, February 7. For tickets, call 07903 352111.

MASSAGE COURSE: A class in Indian head massage takes place at Chester-le-Street Community Association on December 6, from 10am to 4pm. The cost is £27 per person. To book, call 0191-372 0798.

GIFT FAIR: A Christmas gift and craft fair is held on Monday, November 18, between 2.30pm and 7pm at Westfield School, Elmfield Road, Gosforth. Tickets cost £2, available on the door.

SHORT COURSES: Park View Community Association, Chester-le-Street, is running short courses on subjects such as computing, sugarcraft, Russian and Italian. For more details, call 0191-388 1043.

ANNUAL SERVICE: Durham Cathedral holds its annual service commemorating founders and benefactors on Sunday, November 24, at 3.30pm. The preacher will be the Reverend Dr Leslie Griffiths.

LIFEBOAT CASH: The Durham branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution raised £1,891.88 with two flag days. The most recent, on Saturday, October 19, raised £887.39.

SATURDAY SURGERY: Easington district councillor Robin Todd holds a surgery today, between 10am and noon, in South Hetton Community Centre.

RECORD NIGHT: Durham Recorded Music Society meets on Wednesday at 7pm in Alington House, North Bailey, Durham, where Jean Woodie will give a presentation called Music for Pleasure. Admission is £1.

MORE ROOM: Durham City Council is being asked to grant planning permission for a two-storey flat roof extension at the rear of a house in Burnell Road, Esh Winning.