POLICE are appealing for information after a distraction burglary at an elderly woman's home.

A man entered a pensioner's bungalow, in Aycliffe Village, through the back door at about 11.30am on Monday, claiming to be checking the water system.

Police believe that while the 84-year-old woman helped the man in the kitchen, another person entered the bedroom and stole money.

The man who said he was from a water company, was described as in his mid-30s, about 5ft 7in and of medium build. He had a suntanned complexion, with dark brown hair cut short at the back and sides but longer on top.

The man was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt and dark trousers. He spoke with a local accent.

PC Alan Thompson said: "The victim was only aware of one man being in her home, but a case had been taken from a bedroom, so another burglar had been in the property. This is a despicable crime against an elderly lady and we would appeal to anyone who may have seen these people to contact us."

He said: "We would urge householders, and the elderly in particular, to keep their doors locked and not let anyone into their homes unless they know them or they have a prior appointment."

Anyone with information can contact Newton Aycliffe police on (01325) 314401.