YOUTH workers celebrated yesterday after picking up £30,000 in funding to help keep youngsters off the streets and out of trouble.

The Lloyds TSB Foundation made the grant yesterday to the YMCA in Parliament Street, Consett.

The cash, spread over three years, means the centre can recruit another worker and expand its activities.

Howard Beck, senior branch manager of the Lloyds TSB in Consett, presented the cheque to David Hodgson, general secretary of the Consett and District YMCA.

Mr Hodgson said: "We work to give all young people a sense of value and purpose, and this grant will help us to make a real difference to the lives of disaffected youths.

"We are grateful to Lloyds TSB Foundation for this funding, which will allow the project to continue and expand."

The charity works with more than 400 young people each week and organises a range of activity holidays from its centre, including windsurfing, canoeing, abseiling and archery.

It also offers other services, such as youth clubs, a community cafe, a furniture recycling scheme and hostel accommodation. Recent succ- esses included helping to send three young people to Poland, where they spent several weeks working as volunteers in an orphanage and women's refuge.

Billy Robson, of Consett YMCA, said the grant would help to change the lives of even more disadvantaged youngsters across Derwentside.

"There are no bad kids out there. It is all down to their circumstances," he said.

"All they need is a push in the right direction and the YMCA is a great vehicle to help extend young people's opportunities and get them ready for the big wide world."

Councillor Alex Watson, leader of Derwentside District Council, and North West Durham MP Hilary Armstrong were on hand to congratulate the team.

Ms Armstrong said: "Consett YMCA has done some great work over many years and helped open up new opportunities for young people.

"I'm delighted Lloyds TSB Foundation has made this grant.

"This extra money will allow the YMCA to improve the lives of even more of the district's young people."