START-UP figures are set for a boost with the launch of a partnership between enterprise agencies and Business Link Tyne and Wear.

The contract, worth more than £2m, has been won by a consortium of four local agencies - Entrust, Project North East, North East of England Business and Innovation Centre and Tedco.

The move is part of a regional enterprise strategy to improve the business start-up rate in the North-East, the lowest in the country.

Anyone thinking of setting up a business in Tyne and Wear will be able to use just one point of contact, Business Link, which will then direct them to the right support and advice. The move has been prompted by the region's poor track record in new business formation and young company survival rate.

The most recent figures from the Small Business Service for last year show 20 start-ups per 10,000 people in the region against a national average of 37.

The area's start-up survival rates are also below the national average.

Dan Brophy, chief executive of Business Link Tyne and Wear, said: "Before the relaunch of Business Link last year there was no single organisation with responsibility for start up provision.

For details, contact Business Link on 0191-516 6767.