A kinky bondage doll that looks like children's favourite Barbie has won a court battle against her famous rival.

Lily von Frauenau bears a striking resemblance to the blond bombshell - but Barbie's ball gowns have been replaced by leather fetish gear.

Barbie's creators Mattel was furious when they saw pictures of Lily on a website.

So it started legal proceedings against her creator, Suzanne Pitt, of Gateshead, claiming she had infringed its copyright.

But a judge in New York has made an interim decision in favour of Suzanne, 38, and Lily.

Manhattan federal judge Laura Taylor Swain found Suzanne's doll was not "a market substitute".

The judge said: "To the court's knowledge, there is no Mattel line of S&M Barbie."

German-born artist Suzanne began the business three years ago with husband Frank, working from their home.

They began selling their Dungeon Dolls on a website and immediately started doing a roaring trade.

At the time Frank, 51, said: "There are other sites devoted to alternative Barbies, but none quite like ours. We just spotted a gap in the market.

"We modify the dolls ourselves, make all the props and do photo stories.

"There are a lot of people who get a lot of fun out of them."

The couple hand-make the 12in high dolls, which cost £150 each.

Suzanne was not available for comment yesterday.