Q My husband and I, both aged 79, get retirement pensions at the standard rates for a couple and he gets Attendance Allowance. Is it true that I can now claim Carer's Allowance?

A The 65 age limit for claiming the £42.45 a week Carer's Allowance has been abolished. However, as your retirement pension is more than that, you cannot get both. It might still be worth claiming though, because you could then get more Income Support or council tax benefit.

Q I will soon be made redundant and, as I am 59, I will devote myself to looking after my disabled husband. Can he claim an increase on his

Incapacity Benefit (IB) for me? He has Higher Rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Component for mobility and lower rate for care. Can I claim Carer's Allowance?

A No on both counts I am afraid. He can only claim extra IB when you reach 60. He would need DLA for care at the High or Middle Component before anyone could get Carer's Allowance for looking after him. Try claiming Income Support.

Q My husband, aged 62, and I, 64, together get £113.31 per week plus his works pension. We read your column and wonder how couples can get £149. Please explain!

A Minimum Income Guarantee brings a pensioner couple's income up to £149.80 a week. Most types of income are taken into account when working out if they reach this level.

Q I am 63 and on Incapacity Benefit of £70.95 a week plus mobility component and a personal pension of £30.12 a quarter. Our savings are £4,000 and my wife has a retirement pension of £49.18 a week. Can I claim any extra for her?

A Not for her exclusively but you could claim Income Support of £27.36 a week plus full council tax benefit and, if you pay rent, maximum housing benefit as well.

Q I have not worked for years because of arthritis and receive Incapacity Benefit and the Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance. If I move in with my fiance who works full time will these be affected?

A No.