THE introduction of tuition fees will not affect trainee social workers at Northumbria University, who will also be entitled to a £3,000 bursary.

Students at the Newcastle campus will be able to commence a degree in social work at the age of 18, direct from college. Previously prospective trainees needed to be older.

The course will also pay tuition fees and provide a non-means-tested bursary averaging £3,000 per year.

The university, is the first in Britain to be accredited by the General Social Care Council (GSCC) to award a degree in social work without the restrictions previously imposed on entrants.

The course, which starts in September, covers the five areas recommended by the Department of Health for social work training, which include human growth and development, mental health and disability, assessment and planning, law, communications skills and partnership working.

Principal lecturer in social care development, Julie Irvine, said: "This course will prepare students to become professionally qualified social workers as well as gaining a degree."

Staff will be hosting an open evening next Wednesday, for anyone interested in taking the course.

Tutors will be available for informal discussions between 4pm and 6pm at Hall B, Coach Lane Campus, Longbenton.

For further information, contact Carolyn Walker on 0191-215 6277.