A CAMPAIGN to have speed humps installed in a residential street has been re-launched in Richmond.

Two years ago, people living in St Nicholas Drive were told by North Yorkshire County Council that funding was not available for traffic calming measures near their homes.

However, they were advised that future housing development in the area might lead to a developer being persuaded to help provide a means of slowing down traffic.

Now the campaigners, led by Martin Catt, have approached the county authority and Richmondshire District Council after hearing there are proposals for six new homes on the estate.

"There is a long downhill section in St Nicholas Drive where cars tend to pick up speed close to where children play," said Mr Catt. "We will press the councils to take some action to ensure that children are safe. It only needs two or three road humps so people just have to think and slow down."

Mr Catt collected more than 20 signatures in support of traffic calming.