SANTA'S coming to town and this year he'll have a brand new sleigh.

The Rotary Club of Durham, which has organised his visits to the city and surrounding villages for several years, has splashed out on a new conveyance for the jolly bearded gent.

"It is a very popular event and it has become part of the tradition of Durham,'' said Rotary's community services chairman Frank Davison.

"It is a wonderful thing for the children of the city to meet Santa.''

Rotary members will tow the sleigh around the area from Wednesday until Christmas Eve., collecting money for charities including St Cuthbert's Hospice, The Red Cross and help the Aged.

Santa's schedule:

Wednesday, December 11 - Shincliffe; Thursday, December 12 - Nevilles Cross; Friday December 13 - Bowburn; Monday December 16 - North End; Tuesday December 17 - Newton Hall (north); Wednesday Dedember 18 - Newton Hall (south); Thursday December 19 - Belmont.

All the above visits will take place between 6 and 8pm.

Friday December 20 4-8pm - Tesco Dragonville; Saturday December 21 8.30am-4pm - Durham Market Place; Monday December 23, 3-7pm and Christmas Eve, 10am-2pm - Sainsbury's, Pity Me.