ALLOTMENT holders in Ferryhill concerned at an increase in burglaries are pressing for improved security.

Allotment holders Brenda and Robert Mountford said the Paxton Street site has been particularly badly hit.

They said their plot was attacked at least five times in the past year and they have lost about £3,000 worth of garden equipment, including trailers, lawnmowers and a generator.

This week, thieves took four of Mrs Mountford's pet rabbits, including ten-year-old Smokey which she had had since it was a baby.

She said: "All the allotment holders are up in arms and really mad about the fact that this keeps happening.

"A lot of people have packed their gardens in because they are so distressed about it, but we are carrying on because we won't let them beat us."

Mr Mountford said he had made repeated requests to Ferryhill Town Council for increased security to the boundary fence, but without success.

Town council executive officer Jamie Corrigan said members recognise there is a problem with break-ins.

But palisade fencing around the site would cost a prohibitive £25,000.

The council is hoping to work in partnership with the new allotments association to get enough funding to improve security.

He said: "This is all going to take time, unfortunately, but we would like to emphasise that we are aware and are very concerned about the problems."

He said that local police have put a bid in for funding to buy secure locks for 100 allotments.