ENVIRONMENTAL health bosses are encouraging people to have a safe Christmas by taking more care with their decorations.

"We don't want to spoil the party but we do need to get the safety message across," said Hambleton's environmental health officer Richard Shuttleworth.

He said the biggest danger this Christmas would be from fires caused by the increased use of candles.

"The market for candles has doubled over the past few years as they have turned from a purely functional product to a lifestyle product. Candles are used in bathrooms and surrounded by foliage for table decorations - all perfectly acceptable uses - but potentially dangerous."

He said candles should never be left unattended and users should ensure they are properly extinguished. He also warned revellers that it was vital they only bought Christmas lights from reputable traders. Wires should be checked for damage following storage and wherever possible only those with a low voltage transformer should be used.

Care should also be taken that sockets are not overloaded, especially with the increased use of outside lights.

For more information, call (01609) 767098 or log on to www.dti.gov.uk/homesafetynetwork/.