Sedgefield village centre is now lit up by a £6,000 scheme. Electricity is supplied to five of the Village Green trees, and strings of lights.

Councillor Ellen Robinson raised £1,000 towards the cost of the lights during her year as Mayor. The present Mayor, Councillor Ian Sutherland, said that it was an "investment for the future" and would be built upon each Christmas. The village also has a Christmas tree provided by the Town Council in conjunction with Sedgefield Round Table.

VINTAGE CASH: Vintage car enthusiasts have raised £2,500 for Butterwick Hospice in Bishop Auckland. Dennis and Iris Morgan, from Toronto, near Bishop Auckland, compile and sell diaries by mailing list and at vehicle club meetings across the North of England and Scotland. This is the fourth year they have sold the diaries, and the hospice has benefited by a total of £4,500.

CAROL CONCERT: Crook and Weardale Choral Singers will perform carols at Dawson Street Church, Crook, tomorrow, at 7pm.

BAND DATE: The Spennymoor Town Band and Junior Section will be giving a Christmas concert on Saturday, December 21, at 7.30pm, in the town hall. Tickets are available on (01388) 815276, or by post from 9 Buttermere, Spennymoor, DL16 6UD.

CAROL SINGING: Tudhoe Victory Club will host a carol concert on behalf of Tudhoe Methodist Church on Saturday, December 21, at 7pm.

ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting of Dean Bank Residents' Association, in Ferryhill, will be held on Monday, January 6, at Dean Bank Literary Institute.

COUNCIL GRANT: Great Aycliffe Town Council has agreed to make a donation of £500 to Newton Aycliffe Sports Club Juniors FC.

STOP SMOKING: An eight-week course in stopping smoking will begin at Ferryhill Town Hall on Wednesday, January 8, from 10am to 11.30am. Call Annie Pluse on 0191-301 3813 for more details.

SWIMMING POOL: An application to build a swimming pool and tennis court at a farm in Bradbury, near Sedgefield, will be heard by Sedgefield Borough Council's development control committee today.

ROAD RESURFACED: The C36 Kirk Merrington to Chilton road is to be resurfaced and additional road markings introduced during spring to reduce accidents.

RESIDENTS MEETING: The next meeting of the Chilton West Residents Association will be held on Tuesday, January 28, at Chilton and Windlestone WMC from 7.15pm.

SUPPORTING ASSISTANT: Reverend Michelle Ferguson has been licensed by the Bishop of Durham as self-supporting assistant curate in the parish of St Michael's, Heighington, and Chaplain to Aycliffe Young Peoples' Centre.