A TEACHER has won an award for passing on her love of science to Redcar youngsters.

Science coordinator Kay Coverdale, who works at Wheatlands Primary School, is one of five outstanding primary teachers to win a Teacher of the Year award, winning the primary science teacher section. She was presented with a certificate and £750 for the school.

Mrs Coverdale will get £500 from the Association for Science Education (ASE), which organised the awards with the Times Educational Supplement and medicine supplier Pfizer. She was nominated by school ICT coordinator Claire Soderman and former science coordinator Sue Swain.

Mrs Coverdale, who has been in the post for six years, said: "I am delighted and very pleased to be recognised for the work I do.

"Science is high on the school's priority list and the children thoroughly enjoy the work."

Mrs Coverdale has started a Wednesday afternoon science club and has helped the children reach the regional final of the ASE Children's Science Challenge for the past three years.