YOUNG people from youth clubs across Weardale and Teesdale rounded off a year of achievement by collecting a host of awards at the first Education in the Community presentation night.

An audience in the Auckland Youth and Community Centre, Woodhouse Close, heard success stories from boys and girls who put extra effort into enhancing their own lives and those of people around them.

Dales area manager Jo Hayes said: "We are very proud of all these young people and the youth workers in our service.They have achieved exceptional success and learnt new skills which will help them in whatever path they choose to follow in their adult lives."

Awards were presented by principal officer Dave Emmerson and Durham's deputy director of education Neil Charlton.

Winners were: Stanhope Youth Club, the Next Step Project: Michael Woodhall, James Kerr, Stuart Bowes, John Fraser, Glenn Dent, Scott Dent and Marc Bell redecorated the Stanhope Centre and Westgate Youth Club.

Tow Law Youth Club: Laura Hopps, Naomi Waters, Sara Graham, Claire Henderson, Kirsty Rowley, Vicky Hale and Rhiannon Waters planned and made a new club banner.

King James 1 Community Association, Bishop Auckland, the Disco Divas: Kelly Johnson, Clare Johnson, Chloe Watson, Rosie Brass, Carla Lithgow, Vicki Robinson worked hard to thrash out different opinions, planned their costumes and practised at every opportunity.

King James 1 CA, the Babes: Kimberley Cunningham, Rachel Bradley, Kirsty Patterson practised hard to produce a professional routine, which they performed in public.

Toronto Youth Club: Emily Fieldson, Ruth Featherstone and Bernie Furness organised and helped to run a Family Fun Day.

Glenholme, Crook, Youth Achievement challenge: Clare Ryan, Lisa Blair, Lyn Robinson, Lisa Hopper, Natalie Whitfield, Heather Johnson, Olivia Oswald, Lorraine Smith, Leanne Trotter, Danielle Swan, Jayne Campbell, Victoria Harrison, Danielle Murray and Liz Campbell chose from a range of activities including glass painting, creating a 16ft feature outside the centre.

Warwick Road School, Bishop Auckland: Craig Bainbridge, Mark Maughan, Katie Johnson, William Kirkbride, Michaela Sowerby, Michaela Tallentire, Janine Sutherland, Kevin Wilson, Christopher Alliston, Keith Latue and Paul McTearnan worked with the Youth and Community team to take a babysitting course.

The Millbank Youth Club, West Auckland, received Durham's director of education Keith Mitchell's special award.

Individual winners, chosen by their youth leaders, were: Stanhope Community Centre, Malcolm Barwick; Auckland Youth and Community Association, Kirsty Nichol; Gemma McGurk; James Campion; Simon Sinclair,

King James 1 CA: Clare Johnson and Kelly Johnson.

Tow Law, Vicky Hale and Claire Henderson.

Stanhope CA won the Dales Football Trophy, with Henknowle runners up. The Pool trophy also went to Stanhope.