INSPECTORS have praised Darlington Borough Council, declaring it one of the best in the country.

The council is celebrating after it was given a high rating in a review carried out by the Audit Commission.

Assessors examined every aspect of management at the council, from education, social services and housing to the leadership, speed of achievements and economic development.

They looked at how the services were managed and delivered as part of a national monitoring framework which sets targets for all local authorities.

Councils are then rated excellent, good, fair, weak, or poor, with the top-performing authorities given greater autonomy over spending - allowing them to run their own affairs without interference from central Government.

Darlington was rated good, with only ten per cent of local authorities in the country doing better.

Council leader, Councillor John Williams, said: "Darlington council has been working tirelessly to become effective and efficient and this is the reward.

"It is not only the recognition our employees deserve for their hard work over the past five years, it also means that local people can decide how best local authority funding is spent."

The independent auditors' report said the council was well led and managed, and provided good and improving services.

The borough is the youngest in the region and the third smallest unitary authority in the country.

Coun Williams said: "We are delighted with the findings, which show the confidence the Government has placed in us.

"But there is no room for complacency and we will strive to improve services further still."