On Saturday Billingham Swimming Club held their Annual Club Swimming Gala with members taking part ranging in age from infants to pensioners.

All ages were able to partake, with races for the little ones swimming a width to older ones 400 metres.

A few of the races had very close finishes making it very exciting for the spectators to watch. There was an excellent competitive spirit with everybody encouraging each other. Every swimmer from young to not so young enjoyed themselves making a fun family outing. There were 12 new club records broken to add to the event.

For many this was their first chance to compete in a gala, all swimming excellently. In the width events Rebecca Smith gained gold in the free and silver in the back. Ellen Hadlet won gold in the back and bronze in the free. Victoria Fenby picked up a silver in the free and bronze in the back. In the boys events Mark Hadlet picked up gold in both the free and back. Henry Hutchinson silver in the free and bronze in the back and Carl Smith silver in the back and bronze in the free.

The Junior one length races were both won by Sophie Henderson with Stephanie Jamison coming second. In the boys one length free and back Christopher Davison won with Christopher Tippey second, Freddie Sisson third and Gareth Davison fourth.

In the under eight-year old category all competitors swam a length. Catherine Goodman picked up all gold in the free, breast, fly and back. Catherine Fenby second in the free and back with a third in the breast. Chelsea Hamilton gained a second in the breast and third in both the free and back. In the boys Benjamin Raper came first in free, breast and back, whilst Josh Trewin came first in the fly and second in the free, breast and back. Michael Jones third in the free, breast and back.

In the 9/10 category two lengths were swam. In the girls event two girls fought for the first two places. Emily Whittaker taking gold in the free, back , breast and silver in the fly and I.M. Whilst Harriet Goodman took gold in the fly and I.M. and silver in the free, back and breast. Charlotte Cleasby gaining bronze in the free and back and Anna Twizel bronze in the breast. Members also taking part in this age group were Helen Dobson and Siana Tyler.

In the boys Glen Martin was outstanding picking up gold in the breast and in the free, back, I.M. and fly achieving club records. Gareth Allen picked up a silver in the free, back fly and I.M. with Sam Jones picking up silver in the breast and bronze in the free.

The remaining events were all 100m swims. All age categories battling it out for places many of the times just fractions apart enabling many Pb's to be broken.

More club records were broken in the 11/12 categories in both the girls and boys events. In the girls Joanne Longster swam superbly picking up gold in the back and breaking club records in the free, I.M. and fly. Amy Whittaker picked up gold in the breast, silver in the free and bronze in the back and I.M.

Pippa Shepherd achieved silver in the I.M., back and fly and bronze in the free and breast. Jessica Trewin gaining a silver in the breast and Rebecca Blane bronze in the fly. The rest all swimming well in this age group were

Charlotte Brown, Stephanie Hughes, Kathryn Usher and Kirsty Child.

Bradley Dixon was excellent picking up gold in back, I.M., breast, fly and breaking the club record in the free. The rest of the positions were shared between Craig Grounds who achieved silver in the free, I.M. and bronze in the fly. Anthony Brown finished in silver position in the back, breast and fly and bronze in the I.M. and free. Matthew Calvert achieving bronze in the back and breast. Christopher Jamieson also competing picked up fourth position.

The girls competing in the 13/14 category sharing the positions. Lisa Sheehan picked up gold in the breast and back and silver in the free, fly and I.M. Emma Shepherd with gold in the free, fly, I.M. and silver in the back. Rachel Blane in the breast achieved silver and bronze in the free, fly, I.M. and back. Sharing the places in the boys were Phil Grounds with gold in the free, fly, I.M. and back and Liam Sutheran gold in the breast and silver in the free, fly, I.M. and back.

In the 15 and over three girls fought for the places. Jane Usher picking up gold in the free, breast, back and achieving a new club record in the I.M. Emma Wilson also smashing a club record in the fly for a gold and picking up silver in the free, I.M. and back. Lorraine Riddle picking up silver in the breast and fly and bronze in the free, back and I.M.

Peter Riddle with two new records to his name in the back and fly and picking up gold in the free, breast and I.M. Matthew Sheehan picking up silver in the free and back.

In the 13 and under 200m free gold to Joanne Longster, silver Lisa Sheehan and bronze to Pippa Shepherd, others in this category were Charlotte Brown, Jessica Trewin, Rebecca Bane and Kirsty Child. In the boys gold to Glen Martin, silver Bradley Dixon and bronze Liam Sutheran others competing were Craig Grounds and Anthony Brown.

In the 14 and over 200m free for the girls gold Jane Usher, silver Emma Wilson, bronze Emma Shepherd and Lorraine Riddle also competing. In the boys gold to Peter Riddle, silver Matthew Sheehan and bronze Phil Grounds.

The coach and parents event was won by Mark Wilson, second Glen Fenby, third Kevin Martin, fourth Gary Snowball and fifth John James. It consisted of a 100m-handicapped race which all the children loved cheering on their dads or coach.

The 200m back and 400m free will be held next week before the Presentation which takes place on Saturday where the first three in each age group will receive trophies or medals and all competitors will be given certificates and medals for taking part .

* Anybody wishing to enjoy the fun for next year are welcome to go to the Billingham Forum, 8am till 9am on Saturday and Sunday mornings.