VANDALS have destroyed a town's Christmas lights.

This was the first time Loftus has had a Christmas tree and lights for more than 20 years - but they lasted just two days.

The tree, donated to the town, is still standing but badly damaged and the more than half the lights, costing more than £1,000, have been stolen.

Loftus Town Council had hoped The Christmas lights project, which has cost more than £2,500, would be developed in future years but will now reconsider its plans.

PC Eddie O'Hara visited the town's schools early this week in an effort to find information.

He said: "This is shocking, especially after the amount of hard work people have put in to get the town some Christmas decorations.

"It's disgraceful for our area, especially when you consider everywhere else in the district seems to have decorations."

Janet Welford, chairman of Loftus council environment committee, said: "People like to see Christmas decorations and lights, but the council has a duty to avoid the wasting of public money.

"It is possible that the actions of a few individuals may have jeopardised the future festive arrangements for the whole of the community."

The tree, donated by Barkers of Hinderwell, was erected on Wednesday, December 4 and illuminated on Thursday, December 5.

On Friday and Saturday a few plastic lights were taken away but on Sunday every single light bulb in the lower half of the tree was removed. Children had earlier been seen shaking the tree.

Most of the cost for the lights was met by the town council but Loftus Business Group also made a contribution.

Anyone with any information is asked to call PC O'Hara on (0773) 6622727.