A sports organisation was awarded £1.6m to promote healthy living in local communities today.

Durham Sport, which covers County Durham and Darlington, was awarded the sum from the Sport England Lottery Fund to develop its Active Sports Programme over the next five years.

The organisation was set up in 1999 as the first of its kind bringing local authorities together to co-ordinate quality sports provision.

Now one of 45 across England, it has established links with key partners including health authorities, Durham University and the Newcastle Falcons.

World class gymnasts and fencers from the area were among those attending yesterday's event at Durham's Gala Theatre, when delegates heard about Durham Sport's plans to broaden its influence.

Partnership manager Michelle Carney, part of a uniquely all-female management team, said: "The Active Sports Programme is based around ten sports, and we are up and running with nine, including athletics, cricket, girls football, hockey and rugby.

"We are launching a five-year vision of where Durham Sport is going to go.

"We are also launching the Physical Activities Strategy, which is about making links out in communities and getting people more active more often.

"We are looking at cardiac rehabilitation linking in with GP referral schemes, and activities which are not necessarily sport."

To help it achieve its aims, the organisation has appointed Mia Heaton as a physical activity development officer.

Ms Carney said: "She is the only one in the country and has the role of making sure that the strategy is implemented as well as an active communities remit.

"She will also establish key links with community initiatives such as Positive Futures, Connexions and Sport Action Zones, and work closely with key partners."

She added: "Durham Sport is beginning to impact on the regeneration and economic agendas across the county.

"The launch was an occasion to celebrate these triumphs and inform people about the great work that Durham Sport will continue to do."

The organisation has adopted a new logo designed by local schoolgirls Beth Hirst and Camilla Stewart.