RESULTS - Year Seven: Parkside beat Staindrop; Tudhoe beat Woodham; St Johns v Sunnydale; Durham Johnston beat Sedgefield; Spennymoor beat King James; Ferryhill beat Teesdale; Belmont and Barrington received byes.

Year Eight: Barrington beat Sedgefield; Woodham beat Durham Johnston; Staindrop v Spennymoor and King James v Belmont - no result given.

Year Nine: St Johns beat Ferryhill; Wolsingham beat Spennymoor; Durham Johnston beat Staindrop; Woodham beat Tudhoe; Teesdale v Sedgefield - no result given; Sunnydale, Pakside and King James received byes.

DRAWS - Year Seven: Parkside v Tudhoe; St Johns v Durham Johnston; Spennymoor v Ferryhill; Belmont v Barrington.

Year Eight: Barrington v Ferryhill; Staindrop or Spennymoor v Tudhoe; King James or Belmont v Parkside; Woodham v St Johns.

Year Nine: St Johns v Wolsingham; Durham Johnston v Sunnydale; King James v Parkside; Teesdale or Sedgefield v Woodham.