Division One:

Football Club pld 12, pts 31; Green Tree 12, 30; Wheatsheaf 11, 30; Duke of Wellington 11, 27; Workingmens A 12, 27; Nags Head A 12, 26; Workingmens C 12, 25; Cricket Club B 12, 24; County Arms 12, 23; Masons Arms 12, 22; Elders A 12, 20; Sportsmans 12, 19; RAFA 12, 14; Station 12, 14.

Division Two: Beeswing 12, 28; Elders B 12, 28; White Swan 12, 26; Cricket Club A 12, 25; Crown 12, 25; Gold Cup 12, 25; Grey Horse A 11, 24; Golden Lion B 12, 24; Haynes Arms 12, 22; Bay Horse B 11, 22; Standard 12, 22; Tickle Toby A 12, 21; Grey Horse B 12, 21; Willow Tree 12, 19.

Division Three: Green Dragon 11, 25; Lord Nelson 10, 24; Otterington Shorthorn 9, 21; Bowling Club 9, 20; Jolly Minister 10, 19; Queen Catherine 11, 19; Tickle Toby B 10, 19; Bay Horse B 9, 18; Black Bull 9, 18; Workingmens B 9, 17; Golden Lion A 10, 17; Crosby 9, 15.

Fives and Threes

Division One: Green Tree 12, 32; County Arms 12, 28; Elders A 12, 28; Workingmens A 12, 26; Workingmens C 12, 26; Cricket Club B 12, 25; Station 12, 24; Duke of Wellington 11, 23; Sportmans 12, 23; Wheatsheaf 11, 23; Masons Arms 12, 21; Nags Head A 12, 20; RAFA 12, 18; Football Club 12, 15.

Division Two: Golden Lion B 12, 31; Tickle Toby A 12, 28; Crown 12, 26; Grey Horse A 11, 25; Gold Cup 12, 25; Beeswing 12, 25; Cricket Club A 12, 25; Elders B 12, 24; Willow Tree 12, 23; White Swan 12, 22; Standard 12, 22; Grey Horse 12, 21; Bay Horse B 11, 18; Haynes Arms 12, 17.

Division Three: Green Dragon 11, 24; Queen Catherine 11, 24; Golden Lion A 10, 23; Jolly Minister 10, 21; Crosby 9, 20; Lord Nelson 10, 19; Tickle Toby B 10, 19; Black Bull 9, 19; Workingmens B 9, 17; Bowling Club 9, 16; Bay Horse A 9, 16; Otterington Shorthorn 9, 14.

* Charlie Trueman entries to be in by December 20