THE new chief constable for Cleveland Police will not be decided until February to allow more time for applications to be received.

Cleveland Police Authority chairman Ken Walker said members had been encouraged by the quality of application they had received, following the announcement that Barry Shaw is to retire from the post in March.

But yesterday, he said the authority would be undertaking another recruitment phase.

Councillor Walker said: "The aim is to ensure we have as strong a field as possible for such an important job.

"This is a process where the main challenge is not to make the fastest appointment, but the right appointment."

Coun Walker said the authority had received a number of impressive applications from senior officers who have been approved through the national process for identifying candidates for this kind of position.

He said: "We think it is now sensible to undertake a further recruitment phase with the aim of encouraging other applicants who can be considered initially through the national panel process and then by ourselves."