PENSIONERS living in the Richmondshire and Hambleton districts are being urged to arrange a flu jab.

Uptake of the free vaccination has been much the same as last year but still above the national average.

Nevertheless, health chiefs are keen to see as many people as possible immunised and are urging those who have not come forward so far to do so as soon as possible.

"It may be that you consider yourself to be active and healthy, but you are still at risk - get protected now," said Dr Phil Kirby, the primary care trust's public health director.

The trust has been working with GPs to ensure they can identify patients who qualify for a free vaccination.

However, Dr Kirby emphasised everyone over 65 or in an at-risk category should check with their family doctor, practice nurse of visiting community nurse to ensure they have the jab, which remains effective for about a year.

"This is part of the national Get the Right Treatment campaign. Our message is: 'Beat flu before it beats you'," he said.