Dozens of women descended on a top-secret spy base yesterday for two days of protests.

Campaigners from across Britain and Europe were taking part in the demonstration outside the Menwith Hill base near Harrogate, North Yorkshire.

Organisers said they were protesting about the possible war with Iraq and Britain's support for the US national missile defence programme. They are also calling for the closure of the base.

The demonstration was also celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Greenham Common women's blockade against the introduction of American cruise missiles to Britain.

Yesterday morning, they congregated along the A59 near the southern entrance of the base, operated by the American national Security Agency. During the afternoon, they formed a banner link along the road.

The newly-elected president of the Security Aspects of Civilian Affairs Committee, MP Alice Mahon, who is also the UK delegate to the Nato Parliamentary Assembly, said: "The US spy base at Menwith Hill makes the local community sitting ducks for attack."

The protest is being supported by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the TUC Women's Conference.