PEOPLE in County Durham are being given the chance to influence the management of the countryside.

They can become members of Local Access Forums, bodies being set up to advise local authorities and the Countryside Agency how people can explore and enjoy the countryside.

One forum will cover the Northumberland and County Durham areas of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the other will cover the rest of Durham and Northumberland.

Councillor Bob Pendlebury, of Durham County Council, said: "Membership of the forums will reflect the broad interests of people who live or work in, or enjoy, the countryside and wish to contribute positively to the improvement of public access.

"A wide range of experience is needed, including people with disabilities, walkers, horse-riders, as well as those interested in recreation, land management, tourism, nature conservation, heritage, business, health, trade unions and transport.''

The forums will play an important role in offering advice and comment to the county and district councils and the Countryside Agency on their responsibilities for the countryside.

Their aim will be to make the countryside more accessible and enjoyable for all while respecting the interests of the environment and those who work on the land.

The forums will meet at least twice a year and will have between ten and 22 members.

Anyone interested can get an application pack from the Environment and Technical Services department, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UQ, or call 0191-383 3452.

Applicants will be interviewed in the New Year.