Benfeldside Afternoon WI: Beth Carr opened the meeting in December.

The secretary, Joan Robinson, read the minutes and reminded members about the time and venue for the Christmas dinner. The Christmas evening at Dobbies at Ponteland was enjoyed by all.

Derwentside District Council was approached regarding concern about a reduction in road gritting in our hilly area and we are waiting for feedback.

The speaker Walt Sterling talked about his hobby as a coin collector with coins dating from 1797 to the present day. Joan Robinson gave the vote of thanks.

The competition, an old foreign coin, was won by M Patterson. The meeting closed with mince pies and tea. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 6.

Lanchester WI

MAUREEN Clarkson welcomed members and one visitor to the December meeting. June Wallis read the minutes. Business was brief.

A letter was read from Taylor's Tea along with a cheque for £500, which Lanchester WI had won for Lanchester Community Centre. Discussions on what the money should be spent on are taking place.

Members were informed of events at Durham Gala Theatre, which include Peter Pan and Durham Operatic Society.

A thank-you letter was read from Lanchester Community Association for the WI donation to Pettycoat Lane. Also a letter about problems with home and country deliveries.

Jennifer McDonald gave the reading entitled Christmas. Ann Carr read the financial report. Calendars and diaries were ready for collection.

The competition was won by Maureen Clarkson and Ann Hutchinson. Members then enjoyed a faith supper with wine, which was very well received. The table was laden with festive food.

After members had enjoyed their supper the evening ended with a beetle drive and free raffle. Everyone was wished a Merry Christmas and it is hoped to see members old and new in January 2003 when the new programme starts with Philip Nixon on St Cuthbert.

East Stanley WI

THE president welcomed members and a visitor to the December meeting. Audrey Wallace read her favourite verse, The Handbag.

Birthday greetings were given to two members and Peggy Begg was thanked for the flowers, which were given to Una Swan.

Members who attended the WI Carol Service in Durham Cathedral had enjoyed it.

The Christmas social night and Christmas dinner at the Shepherd and Shepherdess were very successful and enjoyed by all.

The competition, a fancy candle, was won by Rita Hall and the raffle was won by Peggy Begg.

The Ladies of East Stanley Methodist Link Choir entertained with Christmas songs, carols and poems, giving us a spirit for Christmas. They were warmly thanked by Una Swan. The choir joined members at the faith supper.

The next meeting will be on January 13, when the speaker will be Jack Hair.

South Moor WI

DORA Moore welcomed members and County Advisor Brenda Robson to the AGM on December 12. Margaret Bell gave the Christmas reading.

Members look back on another year having had a varied and interesting programme. The treasurer gave her annual report. The secretary gave her address and then introduced the County Advisor who gave an enlightening talk on WI procedure preparing for resolutions.

A ballot took place for the election of president, Dora Moore been re-elected for 2003. The secretary, treasurer and committee were all re-elected. Kitty Lewis gave the vote of thanks.

The competition, a table decoration, attracted a bumper entry and was judged by Brenda Robson. It was won by Margaret Bell, Nancy Nicholson, 2, Joyce Wright, 3. Dora Moore presented the trophy to Nancy Nicholson for the most points of the year, second Margaret Bell, third Ann Weir.

Members enjoyed the musical evening at Witton Gilbert WI and the Christmas lunch at the Harpley Hotel. Christmas spirit was in the air as Christmas cards were distributed, and carols were sung. Santa arrived and each member received a gift. Afterwards members sat down to a lovely supper.

Merry Oaks WI

The beautifully decorated Nevilles Cross school hall set the seasonal scene for the December meeting.

President Margaret Thornhill welcome members, and former member Beryl Robinson, who demonstrated Christmas floral decorations using silk flowers.

She skilfully produced three arrangements, which were raffled and the delighted winners were Sheila Storey, Audrey Stitt and Joyce Cooper. The competition, A Christmas Candle, was won by May Parker and Joyce Cooper. During the tea interval members enjoyed mince pies and shortbread. Final arrangements were made for the Christmas Dinner and the pantomime in January. The business was then dealt with by secretary Edith Hall and the president. The meeting concluded with carols, readings and poems.