WORKERS at a shipbuilding yard on Tyneside are to join celebrations to mark the return of a naval warship to the region.

Twenty-five years after she was commissioned, HMS Newcastle will be returning to her adopted city in the spring for celebrations to mark her silver anniversary.

The Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Councillor John Marshall, is planning a street parade and civic reception for the crew, while the Royal Navy will offer him a salute in return at Grey's Monument.

He said: "The city has enjoyed a close friendship with the crew of HMS Newcastle over the years and I am delighted that they have chosen to celebrate their 25th anniversary with us."

Coun Marshall is inviting the men who built the type-42 destroyer at the Swan Hunter shipyard, between 1973 and 1978, to join in the festivities.

Anyone who worked on HMS Newcastle and wants to take part is asked to write to Jane Mossman, Lord Mayor's Chambers, Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle NE1 8QA, before February 28.