ONE of the region's leading cultural champions, has been appointed the new head of the organisation promoting culture and creative industries in the North-East.

Olivia Grant has been appointed chairman of Culture North East for four years, by Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell.

Mrs Grant OBE takes over from former Gateshead Council leader George Gill, who has been chairman since 1999.

Culture North East is one of eight regional cultural consortiums in England, set up in 1999 by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to promote a joined-up approach to culture and the creative industries.

It is an independent advisory body, drawing on representation from a wide range of interests, including local government and the cultural and creative industries.

Mrs Grant said: "I believe strongly that this region's cultural heritage and growing cultural strength are vital to the future and regeneration of the region.

"We are fortunate to have so much excellence in our diverse cultural provision in the North-East."

Mrs Grant chairs the County Durham Learning and Skills Council, the council of Newcastle University and the Northern Cultural Skills Partnership. She was chief executive of Tyneside Training and Enterprise Council for 12 years until March 2001.

Mrs Grant is involved in a wide range of organisations including the Port of Tyne Authority, Newcastle Building Society and as vice-president of the Newcastle Council for Voluntary Services. She was awarded an OBE in 1995 for services to training.