RETAILER What Everyone Wants is to be wound down in a move affecting workers in the North-East.

Administrators for the Glasgow company had said they wanted to sell the business as a going concern, following negotiations with interested parties.

The company has stores across the region, employing more than 100 people.

Adminsistrator Tom Burton, corporate restructuring partner with Ernst and Young Limited Liability Partnership, said every effort had been made to secure the future of the company.

Mr Burton said: "The majority of the interest was in the chain's stock and properties and a significantly higher outcome is anticipated for these, rather than for the business as a going concern."

He added: "Even if we had been able to sell the business as a going concern, it was clear there would be a need to restructure the business and there was, therefore, no guarantee all staff and stores would be retained."

What Everyone Wants recorded a turnover of about £95m last year. It has 130 shops across the UK and employs 2,500 people.

The majority of the staff employed by the retailer will continue to work for the company while the stock is sold, after which they will receive statutory redundancy packages.