REGULAR late-night shopping looks certain to be introduced in York.

For several years, during the run-up to Christmas, stores in York have stayed open later than usual on Thursday nights.

Now the local council together with the Chamber of Commerce and a local tourism partnership plan to make late opening a regular Thursday night feature.

The proposal already has the support of more than 30 retailers including key retailers such as Marks and Spencer, Bhs, Boots, WH Smiths, Woolworths and Allders, and more are expected to join shortly.

Retailers hope to begin late-opening at Easter, with shops open every Thursday evening until 8pm.

One of the multi-storey car-parks will be open and talks are under way with the local bus operators. Temporary traffic orders are also planned to extend pedestrian hours in the city centre on Thursday evenings.

Marks and Spencer manager Brian Littlejohn said: "This will definitely go ahead. There is growing support from across the city centre and the number of retailers who have signed up is growing daily.

"The commitment from the council and the chamber is very important - not least the council's decision to open up at least one of the multi-storey car parks.

"This is a real opportunity to bring more activity back into the city centre in the evening, to the benefit of all retailers. It is an excellent example of businesses and the council working together."