FATHER Michael Finnigan, one of the region's best known Catholic priests, has died suddenly. He was 59.

"He was a very good priest, very popular and very down to earth," said Canon Seamus Cunningham, a Vicar General of the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.

Fr Finnigan, a regular Saturday Sermon columnist in The Northern Echo, had served at St Godric's in Durham, St Mary's in Bishop Auckland and Our Lady Immaculate in Washington before recently moving to Newcastle.

He had also been bishop's secretary and was chairman of the editorial panel of Northern Cross, the diocesan newspaper.

John Bailey, the Northern Cross editor, said that Fr Finnigan had been a brilliant communicator.

"His heart was with journalism, he loved writing and was a very talented man.

"He was also a lovely person and a great support."

Born in Jarrow, South Tyneside, owner of a dog called Bede, Fr Finnigan presided over steadily rising congregations at Bishop Auckland. Whatever the for that reason, he said in 1995, it was nothing to do with him.

* The Right Reverend Ambrose Griffiths, Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, yesterday led the funeral service in Sunderland for Canon Cornelius O'Callaghan, the second longest-serving priest in the diocese.

Canon O'Callaghan, ordained in 1935, spent many years at St Mary's, in Stockton, before retiring to Wolsingham. He was 92.