A MURDER investigation was underway today after a teenager celebrating his 18th birthday was stabbed to death.

Paul Best, 18 yesterday, died shortly after the arrival of paramedics at his home in North Crescent, Easington Village, County Durham, just before 11pm on Thursday.

He had been celebrating his 18th birthday with a group of around five or six friends, listening to music and watching videos, when an argument developed and Paul was stabbed.

His father Donald, who lived with Paul at the house, was with relatives in a nearby house and was quickly on the scene after the alert was raised.

Detectives recovered a knife from the scene, and forensic experts are today making a sweep of the semi-detached house and a neighbouring property.

Door-to-door inquiries are also taking place in the neighbourhood.

Home Office pathologist Dr Nigel Cooper was to carry out a post-mortem examination on the body to discover the exact cause of death at the University Hospital of North Durham later today.

Detective Superintendent Harry Stephenson, of Durham Police, who is leading the investigation, said: "It's a tragedy that a young life has been lost in such poignant circumstances. It should have been a time of happiness among friends."

He appealed for people at the party, in the vicinity or anyone who saw Paul from tea-time onwards yesterday to come forward.

Paul was a former pupil at Easington Community School in the village.

* An 18-year-old local youth was arrested in North Crescent last night on suspicion of murder and is being held for questioning at Peterlee Police Station today.

* Anyone with information should ring Peterlee Police Station, on 0191-586 2621, or anonymously on the Crimestoppers' freephone line, on (0800) 555111.