PLANS for a children's play area in Hartlepool have taken a major step forward with the beginning of building work.

Contractors yesterday began digging out the site at Grayfields recreation ground, prior to laying a safety surface and installing play equipment.

Construction work on a similar scheme on the site of an existing run-down play area, in King Oswy Drive, is also imminent.

A total of more than £150,000 is being ploughed into the two schemes, with contributions from the Children's Fund, Sure Start, and the North Hartlepool single regeneration budget. Both facilities will feature a wide range of play equipment, with areas for both younger and older children.

The Grayfields proposals also include a small skateboard park.

It is expected work on both parks will be completed by the end of March.

Schoolchildren from Throston and Springwell schools who were part of public consultation on the Grayfields scheme, were present yesterday to celebrate the start of the work.

Representatives of the Friends of Grayfields group were also present to see work begin.