STUDENTS have showed off their design and construction skills.

Dozens of GCSE students took part in the contest to find the best young engineers in Derwentside.

The 15 and 16-year-olds were given a design brief to build a working turbine and a buggy to carry it.

The competition, organised by Derwentside Engineering Forum, aimed to boost youngsters' interest in engineering as a future career.

Each school taking part was paired with a local engineering company. The winning school was Tanfield, near Stanley, which worked in partnership with Protocol Engineering and the HMH Group.

They impressed the judges by developing a turbine capable of generating 11 volts of electricity.

Funding has been secured from the Single Regeneration Budget to run the competition for the next three years.

Next year's event will focus on electronics and robotics. Anyone wanting to take part should contact John Hodgson on (01207) 218110.