OFF licences caught selling booze to under-age youngsters will face closure as part of a tough police and council crackdown on drink-fuelled crime in Derwentside.

Chief Insp David Hogg, of Durham Police, warned licensees that his force will be operating a 'three strikes and out' policy.

The force is stepping up test purchase operations - using supervised youngsters to go into off-licences and ask for drink.

Under the new crackdown, any premises caught out three times by the test purchasers will lose its licence.

Chief Insp Hogg gave the warning at a packed meeting of licensees in Consett Civic Hall.

"One of the biggest problems we have in the district is anti-social behaviour," he said.

"A lot of the time, it is kids on the street who are drinking alcohol. We have to look at where they are getting it from."

Other measures outlined at the meeting include an increased uniformed police presence in pubs and clubs across the district and extra council inspections of venues that hold public entertainment licences. The force is also setting up an instant response team that will patrol town centres on Fridays and Saturdays and can answer any calls to trouble.

The licensees present welcomed the move.

David Cowperthwaite, of the Scotch Arms, Blackhill, Consett, said: "My place is pretty quiet, but we do get the odd little bit of trouble.

"I think the extra police visits are a good idea.

"It will be nice to have that presence for me and to reassure my customers."