imaginative children have impressed the rest of their school by parading at a fashion show in clothes recycled from rubbish.

The year eight pupils at Joseph Rowntree School, New Earswick, York, collected litter from the school grounds for a project on waste and recycling.

Led by teachers Charlotte Tweedy and Alyson Parker, they turned their rubbish into dresses and hats before modelling them at the fashion show.

Headteacher Hugh Porter said: "It was absolutely wonderful. I told the children afterwards it had made my day. A tremendous amount of creativity and hard work went into it."

Mr Porter is now keen to keep recycling the project over the coming years. "We like to make the point about how much litter there is around," he said.

"It's a bright and interesting way of getting information across to young people, and I'd like to see the project re-run next year."