PENSIONS: GOING to the post office today for my pension, I learned it is most likely to be paid into a bank account, like it or not, unless we say no.

I for one don't like it. It is cash that I use for my shopping, etc. Why do I have to queue at a bank?

Tony Blair does not need to go on about dictators. He's one of the worst. - CM Johnson, Bedale.


IF I were a football fan I would be seriously cheesed off about the demolition of Wembley Stadium. Wasn't it the place of a unique bit of English and indeed world soccer history?

No way can you improve on the near legendary status of somewhere like that.

If the facilities there were inadequate, why didn't they modernise the place, not pull it down?

In any case, aren't facilities generally agreed to be inadequate - for ordinary fans at least - at just about all English grounds?

No, it seems to me whoever runs English football is turning in a pretty dire performance. - T Kelly, Crook.


AFTER reading the various comment columns and the article by the MP for Redcar (Echo, Jan 28) on a future conflict with Iraq, one begins to believe the story circulating Darlington about The Northern Echo editorial team donning long-haired wigs, then sitting in a circle around a large framed picture of the future Archbishop of Canterbury holding a flower in one hand, an incense stick in the other, and singing numerous choruses of the 1970s song: "All we are saying is give peace a chance".

One has to admire their faith and trust in the United Nations in resolving the future conflict with Iraq.

It appears the sea air is causing Vera Baird to have confusing thoughts when she states: "The UN has served us satisfactorily for the past 60 years." Has she forgotten what happened at a place called Pearl Harbour around 60 years ago when, after a sneak air attack, 3,000 American servicemen were sent to a watery grave? They are still there.

The Nigerian civil war, Rwanda, Congolese Republic, Angola, Ethiopia-Eritrea war, Sudan, have been through armed conflict resulting in at least 11 million dead because of the UN's failure to take preventative action.

In the appeaser's world no one is to blame because everyone is at fault. There are no winners or losers with every situation having a happy ending. They show great concern over the innocent victims of a future war with Iraq but conveniently forget about innocents being killed in Africa. Confidence in the UN to resolve armed conflicts has completely evaporated. A new world power has emerged and we must give it our active support because we helped to create it. - Thomas Conlon, Spennymoor.

AFTER watching Tony Blair being interviewed by Jeremy Paxtman I have come to the conclusion that Mr Blair is unfit to be Prime Minister.

The more he talks, the less I trust the man. I think he is devious and, after the revelation that he quoted a student's notes, I think it is at any cost.

If war comes, he and George Bush should be the first two to don combat gear and lead the troops into Iraq. - Gordon Taylor, Shotton Colliery.

Who is this Tony Blair? What does he know about war? Why is he dancing to George Bush's rhythm? Why send the armed forces to fight for nothing? What about the women and children? What will Tony Blair receive for being a puppet for America's greed for oil? Why?

Why must we throw away good lives to please warmonger Bush and his greedy cut-throat friends?

Think again Tony Blair before its too late. - A Pyle, Kelloe.


WITHOUT a doubt Saddam Hussein poses a threat to the stability and peace of the Western world with the weapons of mass destruction he not only possesses, but has already used on his own people (Marsh Arabs and Kurds), and immediate neighbours, (Kuwait, Iran, and Israel).

However, could I draw attention to an even more formidable weapon of mass destruction, namely our failure to recognise the constitutional damage being visited upon us by the EU.

Thirty years of stealthy betrayal since 1972 by the shameful compliance of our political establishment have reduced us to virtual impotence, with the European Commission poised to deliver the 'coup de grace' - conning Britain into acceptance of the single currency.

Currently we contribute £12.8bn a year to this pernicious institution. This payment is as a reward for having destroyed our fishing industry, our agriculture, the abolition of the rule of English law, and the strangulation of British industry creaking under the weight of the continuing bombardment of regulations, directives, and bureaucratic garbage.

We have decided 'enough is enough' and now wish to give our support to the only party dedicated to rescuing us from this unholy mess that the 'old gang' politicians have brought about.

Only the UK Independence Party promises to withdraw Britain from the EU. We urge others to give them the support they deserve to meet this objective. - G & P Springer, Hartlepool.