TOURISM bosses in Scarborough have vowed to fight plans to introduce smaller beds in hotels and guest houses in the UK.

At present, single beds have to be 3ft wide and doubles 4ft 6in.

But the English Tourism Council is understood to be poised to reduce the standard widths to 2ft 6ins and 4ft respectively - prompting Scarborough Borough Council to issue a challenge.

"Everyone who goes in our holiday guide has to meet the old standard,'' said tourism and leisure spokesman Peter Dahl.

"Many hotels and guest houses up and down the country have invested thousands of pounds meeting those standards and now, at a stroke, they are being threatened. This would be a backward step.

"There can be no going back to the days when adults had to sleep in beds fit only for children."

Scarborough Forum For Tourism chairman Malcolm Stephenson said: "It is magnificent our area has achieved national acclaim by promoting accommodation to recognised standards of excellence.

"I was aghast to learn that proposals are currently being considered which would drive a horse and cart through jealously guarded national standards."

The borough council's cabinet member for tourism and leisure, Councillor David Jeffels, has promised to take the matter to the next meeting of the British Resorts Association, in London. He said: "I am proud and delighted we have achieved so much over the last four years. As an urban renaissance town, Scarborough needs - and must - aspire to long-term, quality improvements for all our products and services."