RESIDENTS are rallying themselves for a second fight against a bid to put up a mobile phone mast, which originally provoked hundreds of protest letters.

The company behind an application to build a mobile phone mast at Pelaw Grange Greyhound Stadium, near Chester-le-Street, has lodged an appeal against a decision not to grant them planning permission.

Councillors on Chester-le-Street District Council's planning and licensing committee felt it would be an eyesore for nearby residents as it was only about 100 metres from Park View Comprehensive School's North Lodge site. At 25 metres high it was also ten metres higher than the average mast.

A total of 500 letters of objection were sent to the council. Now Hutchinson 3G, which wants to erect the mast, has lodged an appeal against the decision with the planning inspectorate.

Bob Howard, chairman of North Lodge Residents Association, based in a parish near the site of the mast, is urging residents who oppose the mast to send their objections to the inspector before the deadline at the end of the month.

Mr Howard has organised a meeting next week, at 7pm on Tuesday, March 18, at Park View Lower School, North Lodge, when he and others will show people how to place their objections.

Mr Howard said: "Unfortunately, one letter of collective representation from our association, on behalf of us all, will not suffice and it will be necessary for all our residents to send a letter individually to the inspector if we are to be effective.

"It will require quite an exercise to get people to put pen to paper. People aren't always familiar with how the appeal process works or all the jargon used."

A spokesman from Hutchinson 3G UK said the company would still be happy to respond to residents' concerns about the proposed mast. He said: "Obviously we're appealing the decision, but we recognise people's concerns."

Mr Howard can be contacted on (0191) 388 0439.