A CLASSIC car once owned by comic Bobby Pattinson was at the centre of a deception trial yesterday.

In 1992, the Geordie entertainer sold his £8,000 Mercedes 350SL to Roy Faulkner, 60, who let it go to "wrack and ruin" until it was worth just £100 - and the subject of an insurance scam.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how Faulkner, after enlisting the help of others, claimed that the car had been restored and insured it through Norwich Union for £12,500.

He then falsely claimed it had been stolen and pocketed the £12,400 insurance payout.

The court heard how the vehicle had actually been sold to a dealer for £100 - who passed it on to a buyer for £2,100.

Ewan Duff, prosecuting, told the court: "He allowed the car to deteriorate, to go to wrack and ruin.

"The others have assisted him in getting rid of it, removing it and storing it."

Thomas Muldowney, 36, of Ilfield Close, Seamer, Stokesley, admitted aiding and abetting after the car was parked on his land.

He was sentenced to a community punishment order for 140 hours and ordered to pay £500 costs.

Kevin Danks, 47, of Trent Street, Norton, admitted the same charge after claiming he had organised restoration work to be carried out on the vehicle. He was fined £500.

Kenneth Rodham, 51, of New Road, Billingham, also admitted the same charge after providing two false MOT certificates for the vehicle.

He was sentenced to a 180-hour community punishment order and fined £500.

Faulkner, of Springway, Hartburn Village, Stockton, admitted obtaining property by deception and received a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years because of ill health.

They all pleaded guilty on the day their trial was to start.