THOUSANDS of Little Red Tractors are to be given away as part of a massive food promotion driven by British farmers.

The national "collect and win" challenge forms part of a £250,000 promotional drive for the British Farm Assurance logo, announced in November.

The NFU campaign will be advertised in the News of the World on Sunday and in classic children's comics, including Beano and Dandy.

It encourages shoppers and youngsters to collect Little Red Tractor logos, licensed to appear on more than 5,000 British products produced to independently checked quality standards, and swap them for Little Red Tractor models or farm sets.

Speaking at the launch outside the Tesco superstore in Kennington, NFU president Ben Gill said: "The Little Red Tractor has inspired the whole food chain by setting down clear production standards behind an easy-to-identify emblem, of which we can all be proud.

"We wanted to create a fun challenge which will build awareness of food and the brand among today's consumers and, in particular, tomorrow's shoppers."

The campaign will build on consumer research by the IGD last year, which awarded the Little Red Tractor the title of best-recognised food logo.

Competitions to win Little Red Tractors and farm sets will also feature on the Little Red Tractor website at

Information about the British Farm Assurance logo and the promotion will be available from the NFU's Food and Farming roadshow when it tours the country this summer.

A limited number of the miniature Little Red Tractors is being specially produced by the Oxford Die Cast company.

The promotional campaign is being backed by the NFU; Assured Food Standards, which licenses the logo, and retailers including Tesco and Somerfield.