TWO green-fingered youth workers at Northallerton College have been signed up to share their passion for gardening with others.

Emma Casson, of Kirkby Fleetham, and Keeley Metcalfe, of Northallerton, will run a series of Saturday workshops as part of the college's lifelong learning programme.

Emma, an environmental youth worker, will take her first session on instant gardens next month.

In her second workshop, herb magic, on May 17, she will look at herbs and their use in cooking and alternative medicine.

Keeley, who works for community help group, the Millennium Volunteers, will draw heavily on her degree in garden design for her four workshops in June and July.

She will deal with wildlife gardening, herbaceous borders and pond design.

Both youth workers will run a workshop on design ideas for small gardens in May.

All the workshops will be at Northdale Horticulture, the Northallerton charity for helping people with learning disabilities.

College lifelong learning organiser Sandra McDougal, said: "It is an ideal site with all the necessary facilities, including space to work inside and outside.

"We regard the sessions as taster workshops which could develop into future courses, if the demand is there."

The workshops cost between £10 and £20. To book or for further details call (01609) 774013 or (01609) 773340 ext 273.