THE final touches are being made to plans for Northallerton's May Fair.

For five days the High Street will be filled with rides and side shows, bringing thousands of people into the district.

Hambleton District Council chairman Councillor Percy Featherstone will open the fair on Thursday, May 1.

He said: "We are delighted to be welcoming members of the Showmen's Guild back to Northallerton for the fair.

"The May Fair has become a major event for the district, bringing people from across the region into the town to enjoy a traditional fair."

Parking arrangements, as well as bus and taxi collection points, will be changed for the duration of the event, which will run until Monday, May 5.

Part of the northern end of the High Street will be closed at times, with alternative routes signposted for motorists.

It is hoped a park-and-ride scheme will again run from the Civic Centre and County Hall, to cater for shoppers and people attending the fair.