A PLAN to build 200 homes on the eastern edge of a North Yorkshire village could still go ahead, despite the county council expressing support for those opposed to the project.

Persimmon Homes is seeking Richmondshire District Council's permission to build houses and a 90-pupil primary school off Gatherley Road, in Brompton-on-Swale.

The properties would be built in phases to protect the stability of the local housing market, with the first 100 to be completed by 2006.

Richmondshire planners put off a decision in March to allow more time for alternative sites to be investigated, discussions about the level of affordable housing to be off-ered on the site, and for research into whether local roads would be able to cope with the extra traffic.

North Yorkshire County Council's strategic planning unit was also consulted but has not yet given its views.

County Hall has since confirmed it is recommending that Persimmon's proposals are rejected.

The authority's Andrea Lloyd said the scheme could jeopardise the North Yorkshire authority's long-term policies up to 2016.

The decision will please almost 30 villagers who wrote letters of objection, as well as the parish council which was against the plan.

There are concerns so many new homes could ruin wildlife habitats on the edge of the village while a new school could have a detrimental effect on those that already exist in Brompton-on-Swale and Bolton-on-Swale.

However, a report to be tabled when Richmondshire's environment committee meets next Monday says that independent consultants England and Lyle disagree - and that members should consider giving the project their blessing.

Nevertheless, the final decision may still not be made in North Yorkshire.

Richmondshire District Council owns some of the land which would be sold and so the proposals must be referred to the Secretary of State.

He could decide to call a public inquiry or allow the development proposals to proceed.