A CONCERT featuring music written by a mother in memory of her nine-year-old daughter is to take place in Durham.

The Gala Concert will be held at St Cuthbert's Church, North Road, Durham on Friday, from 7.30pm.

The programme will feature past and present students of the Royal College of Music in London, who will be playing music by Bach, Mendelssohn and Brahms.

But one of the highlights of the evening will be a performance of Variations on Kate's Theme.

The music was composed in 1992 by Durham resident Stephanie Cant, from North End, in memory of her nine-year-old daughter, Kate Cooper, who died of cancer in 1991.

The composition will feature soloists Jill Kemp, on recorder, and Lawrence Durkin, on cello.

The piece of music has previously been performed in churches in the south of England and has helped to raise more than £1,000 for cancer charities.

Proceeds from the Durham concert will go to the Butterwick Children's Hospice.

Tickets, costing £5 for adults and £2 for children, are available from Durham City Tourist Information Centre on 0191-384 7641.