THE first wheelchair world pool champion defends his title this week.

Gary Nicholson, from Guisborough, east Cleveland, has had a highly successful year since he won the inaugural championships in Blackpool last year.

The father-of-three went on to win the national wheelchair snooker championship at The Crucible, in Sheffield, beating the champion of nine years' standing along the way.

Mr Nicholson, 40, then played pool against able-bodied professional players, being successful in several heats. He now expects to be named captain of the England A wheelchair pool team.

Yesterday he relaxed by potting a few balls at Guisborough Quoit Club.

He said: "It's been a great year for me but it has taken a lot of practice time. I really have to thank my sponsors for making all this possible."

The world wheelchair pool championships are held in the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool.

Mr Nicholson is sponsored by Stephen Hogg Plumbing and Central Heating, and Enfield Butchers.