VOLUNTEERS are appealing for more help after setting up their own youth clubs.

The two groups from the Watergate Estate, in Crook, and nearby Sunnybrow, say they cannot believe the response they have had since they started at the beginning of the year.

Rick Kelly started a parent and toddler group in Sunnybrow after he felt that there was a need for it in the area.

He and neighbour Alison McFarlane also run youth discos every Friday on winter nights and every other Friday in summer.

Their counterparts on the Watergate Estate have also set up a youth club, which operates from Monday to Thursday in Esk Gardens.

Mothers Lesley Walker and Paula Gray said they did not think that the idea would take off as well as it had and they now had 100 children on the books. All four volunteers said they enjoyed their work but were hoping that more parents would come forward to help.

Mr Kelly said: "It is hard work, but when a child comes up to you and says thank you because they have had such a good time it makes it all worthwhile."

The four said they were just parents who wanted to provide somewhere for their children.

Ms Gray said: "There is just nothing for the kids around here and we felt we had to do something.''

Youngsters have enjoyed day trips and different learning experiences, including graffiti art.

Tim Oxley, from Wear Valley District Council, said: "This is a shining example of how people have taken an issue in their community and have done the best they can to do something about it. They are a credit to their community."